I’ve perfected the skill of being a brand snob on a budget. These are my best personal stylist shopping tips.
I’ve perfected the skill of being a brand snob on a budget. These are my best personal stylist shopping tips.
Fashion followers are faithful to maintaining an ageless style. The secret to their success is having the right style staples. This ageless style staple shopping guide will help give you the inspiration to become the fashion authority in your own closet.
Designer-inspired high-low styling is a signature of my personal style and the capsule wardrobes I share. I can’t help it. I like nice things.
Stylists love fashion trends and I’ve followed them my entire life. I found the core of this summer’s biggest trends at Walmart.
I’m always asked where to buy a capsule wardrobe. Naturally, Nordstrom tops the list. They offer high-low options and easy returns.
Try a quick color analysis of your closet. Then color-coordinate a collection of new pieces to make 100 new summer outfits. Shop my color-coordinated, high-low summer fashion roundup now.
If you don’t love your clothes, you need my wardrobe capsule formula. Make outfits that fit your body type, personality, and lifestyle.
I’m a member of the itty bitty titty committee but I’ve been showing women with different body types what to wear for years.
There are 6 jean types that prove denim is the new black and will work for every occasion and season. Take my denim fit quiz, and find all the styles you need that will fit your body the best. Once you start collecting these covetable classics you will see how easy it is to make outfits you love every day!
My 4 top style tips are the fashion fix that will give you the confidence to become the style authority in your own closet this year.
Find your style and ageless closet essentials that make creative capsule wardrobes with a mix of brands.
Start with my New Wardrobe Checklist and Shopping Links. These are the 14 most versatile pieces you need to make effortlessly pulled-together outfits.
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